FAQs and Information about aquavitro seed™
- FAQ: How are the bacteria supplements (Stability®, Pristine™, seed™, and remediation™) different?
- FAQ: How is aquavitro seed different from Seachem Stability?
- FAQ: Will seed kill off my existing bacteria colonies?
- FAQ: Is seed safe to use?
- FAQ: What does seed do?
- FAQ: Will seed affect my pH, GH, or KH?
- FAQ: Can I use seed together with ____________?
- FAQ: Is seed safe to use in a tank where I'm keeping _________?
- FAQ: Can seed be overdosed?
- FAQ: Why doesn't seed need to be refrigerated?
- FAQ: Do I need to turn off my ozone or UV filter when using seed?
- Info: seed Dosing Instructions
- Info: seed Product Description