
FAQ: My magnesium level won't change using Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium™! How do I get it to budge?

There are very few things that are capable of preventing magnesium from rising.  Magnesium does not tend to precipitate like calcium does, and so more often than not, any difficulty increasing magnesium can be tracked back to the use of another supplement, incorrect dosing, or the misuse of a test kit.

  1. Check your test kit. With surprising regularity, apparent difficulty changing water parameters can be tracked back to a faulty or inaccurate test kit.  Any time that you have readings that do not make sense given your dosing or the condition of your fish and corals, it will be worthwhile to double-check that your test kit is giving correct readings.  The Seachem® test kits have reference samples that can be used for this purpose, but with most other test kits it will be necessary to double-check your results using a separate test kit.
  2. Check your test kit increments.  If your test kit gives results in 50 mg/L increments and you have only dosed enough Reef Advantage Magnesium™ to increase your magnesium level by 30 mg/L, then logically you would not see an increase in your magnesium levels using that test kit.
  3. Check your other supplements.  Kalkwasser is notorious for throwing off magnesium levels in the aquarium.  If you are using Kalkwasser or a similar product, it may be behind your low magnesium levels.
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