
FAQ: How are the bacteria supplements (Stability®, Pristine™, seed™, and remediation™) different?

These supplements are different in terms of function and strength. 

Stability™ is designed to cycle an aquarium.  It contains the bacteria that consume and remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

seed™ is also designed to cycle an aquarium.  It contains the bacteria that consume and remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, but is stronger than Stability® and will work faster.

Pristine™ is designed to consume organic waste. It contains the bacteria that break down slime, film, and sludge in the aquarium.

remediation™ is also designed to consume organic waste. It contains the bacteria that break down slime, film, and sludge in the aquarium, but is much stronger than Pristine™ and will work faster.

There is a lot of overlap between the bacteria supplements.  For example, remediation™ will help to cycle an aquarium even though it is not targeted to that purpose, and dosing Stability® will help with organic waste buildup even though its primary benefit is the removal of ammonia and nitrite.  Dosing multiple bacteria supplements will not make them work faster, so while it is perfectly fine to use multiple bacteria supplements at once, it is typically not necessary.

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