
FAQ: Are there any Seachem® medications that I can use on my shrimp, snails, plants, or corals?

None of the Seachem® medications are recommended for use on plants or invertebrates of any kind.  However, this is not because the medications are "shrimp poison" - it is because these animals are sensitive and delicate enough that we do not feel that instructions on a package are enough to prevent accidental harm.  Many fishkeepers have successfully applied NeoPlex™ to invertebrate-heavy systems like coral tanks, and many shrimp keepers have used reduced doses of ParaGuard™ to treat fungal or bacterial infections, but as we have also had reports of fishkeepers attempting these treatments with very poor results, our official recommendation is to avoid applying medications directly to these animals if possible.

If it is the fish that have an infection rather than the invertebrates or plants, we recommend creating a medicated food blend to feed to the fish rather than attempting to treat directly in the water.  For this purpose, you will need a powder antibiotic and Focus™.

FAQ: Focus™ dosing instructions



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