
FAQ: Can I use aquavitro remediation™ together with ____________?

X Company's product

There are a lot of aquarium products on the market, and while most of them will work perfectly fine together in the aquarium, some will not.  We can't 100% guarantee any product that's not our own, but here's a few quick rules:

  1. Avoid using products that overlap in function.  Either one works and so it's the one you should be using, both work and so it's a waste to use them both, or neither work and you should be looking for a third, better product.
  2. Research the products you use carefully.  Most products are compatible or semi-compatible with bacteria supplements like remediation™, but some powerful medications will actually kill off live bacteria. 
  3. When in doubt, wait a day.  It takes the bacteria colonies in remediation about 24 hours to settle down and find a solid surface to attach to.  If you think that the other product you are using might kill off the remediation™ bacteria before it has a chance to attach, waiting 24 hours after your dose of remediation™ to use the other product will prevent this from happening.


Seachem® Products

It's safe to use remediation™ alongside any of Seachem®'s products with the slight exception of other bacteria supplements. Using both will not have any ill effect in the tank, but it typically is not necessary.

Here's some Seachem® products that are bacteria supplements

Pristine™ Stability® aquavitro seed™

As previously mentioned, it is fine to use these products together - they will not interact with each other. In most cases though, there is only minor benefit to using multiple bacteria supplements at the same time.

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