
FAQ: Can I use Seachem de*nitrate™ in a tank where I'm keeping ______?

Yes!  de*nitrate™ is purely a biomedia  and  does not release anything into the water, so it is compatible with all aquarium species.  Depending on aquarium type, it may not be recommended to reduce nitrate concentrations (planted aquariums, for example, require a constant source of nitrogen in order to be healthy). 

de*nitrate™ Compatibility Guide

GreenThis product is safe for these tank inhabitants.  Take care to avoid sudden large shifts in water parameters within the tank, and review the dosing instructions carefully to avoid improper dosing.

OrangeThese tank inhabitants require nitrate in moderation, so use of de*nitrate™ may result in poor tank inhabitant health.

RedThis product is either notably stressful or utterly unsuitable for these tank inhabitants.  It would be best to opt for a different product if possible. Click tank inhabitant name for alternate products.

Black: There should never be any need to use this product in a tank with these tank inhabitants - we have no data as to compatibility for this reason. Click the tank inhabitant name for alternate products.

Freshwater Community Fish Saltwater CommunityFish Scale-less fish
Sharks Rays Eels
Freshwater Sharks Freshwater Rays Freshwater Eels
Loaches Catfish Aquatic Frogs
Shrimp Snails Clams
Plants Corals Exotic Invertebrates
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