
FAQ: Can I use Seachem Reef Dip™ together with _______?

Another Company's product

Do not combine dip treatments or use supplements in a Reef Dip™ solution - this will be stressful to the corals. However, Reef Dip™ should not interact with the common supplements or salt mixes available on the market - it should be fine to use Reef Dip™ to make a coral dipping solution in water from a reef aquarium that is maintained using another company's products.  That said, we cannot speak for the formulation of any product made by another company.  Make sure to read product instructions and warnings thoroughly before using a product in your aquarium. 

Seachem® Products

Do not combine Seachem® supplements or medications with Reef Dip™ in a dip solution - this will be stressful to the coral.  However it should be fine to use Reef Dip™ to make a coral dipping solution in water from a reef aquarium that is maintained using Seachem® products. 

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