
FAQ: ___________ company claims to have a magnesium supplement that is more concentrated than Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium™. Why should I use Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium™ instead?

Certain formulations of magnesium supplement are more concentrated than others.  The trouble with these more concentrated forms is that they inherently produce ammonia when dissolved in water. This is not due to accidental ammonia contamination - it is a chemical byproduct of dissolving the supplement in water.  Ammonia is, of course, very dangerous to saltwater inhabitants, particularly in the levels that can result from adding high levels of a supplement such as this.

To avoid this, Seachem® uses a form of magnesium that is very concentrated, but is completely free of ammonia (both before and after dissolving the product in water).  You can be certain when using Reef Advantage Magnesium™ that you are not inadvertently adding ammonia to your reef tank.

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