
FAQ: Can I use Seachem KanaPlex™ and MetroPlex™ at the same time?

You can, although the circumstances under which you'd need to use both are fairly rare.  MetroPlex™ and KanaPlex™ treat two completely different types of infections (parasitic and bacterial respectively) so the only circumstances under which it is recommended to use both is when your fish are suffering from both a bacterial and a parasitic infection which cannot be treated by a broad spectrum medication like ParaGuard™ or PolyGuard™. 

To use MetroPlex™ in conjunction with Kanaplex™, I recommend you mix one of the medications with food (preferably frozen) using our Focus™, and mix one directly into the water. Focus™ is a binding agent that will ensure little medication, if any, is lost in your water column so all medication will be delivered directly to the fish when eaten. This ensures that your fish get the proper dose of both medications while also minimizing fish stress.

For more information about using the Seachem® medications together, check out FAQ: Can I use the Seachem® medications together?

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