Your water must be very hard (high KH) so you will need to get the KH down to a level where the Neutral Regulator® can control the pH. Right now the Neutral Regulator® is fighting a losing battle with the high KH. Use Discus Buffer® or Acid Buffer™ to bring the pH down... it will go back up again after a day or so, but add again. Eventually you will get to a point where the pH will take longer and longer to rise again... when that happens use Neutral Regulator® to lock in the pH at 7-7.2. Or use an alkalinity test kit, when it gets down to around 1 KH so you can use Neutral Regulator® to lock in the pH.
FAQ: I have added double the amount required and the pH is still around 7.8, all that seems to be happening is that the water gets cloudy.
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